Welcome to Slope Slayer!

The home of the KnifeEdge Wing, the Formula One Slope Racer and other slope soaring designs manufactured by GEMS…

For all inquiries please e-mail us at gems.hdqrs@gmail.com


The North Coast Soaring Association proudly presents the 13th annual

North Coast Glider Games 2025 edition.

May 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th 2025

It’s time to gather on the north coast for the lucky 13th edition of the North Coast Glider Games. The slopes are beautifully manicured and awaiting the winds and pilots for another exciting year of combat, racing and utter mayhem. The field is well groomed for flat land flying if needed and of course the camaraderie  and food cannot be beat. Pack your planes and get ready for a great time. It’ll be a hoot! 

Thursday: Travel day – come one come all.

Slope Locations

Thursday Evening: Indoor fun at One Smart Dog at 8:30pm

271 W Greenwich Rd. Seville, Ohio 44273


The event begins…

Come on wind, blow!

12 p We travel to the slopes

Friday Evening: Indoor fun at One Smart Dog at 8:30pm

271 W Greenwich Rd. Seville, Ohio 44273


The event continues.

Open, Glider Games, Fun Fly – 1pm

Wind, Wind No rain!

Link to AA-GMC website

7:30p Dinner at Tinkers Creek Tavern, 14000 Tinkers Creek Rd, Walton Hills, OH 44146 American classics & cocktails served in a warm, down-to-earth setting with creek side patio dining.


The Games continue! Wind, wind, wind!

Best regards,
Don King

additional info

 Thanks for making the games a blast every year in any weather!

It is you folks that make the Glider Games Great!

Don, Mike, Jeff and the rest of the crew.



A new convertible electric mini wing that we pylon race indoors, then change the winglets and fly them outdoors/slope in light lift… Kit is now available!



“Lords of the lift”

We added a page called “Lords of the Lift” with pictures of pilots and their planes. Make the pose, preferably at your slope so we can see it, your radio and your plane. Give a little info to go with the picture if you like. Your first name and the location at least, how long you have been flying RC….your club…, send the pictures with the Contact Button at the top of the page.

Yeliz from Tennessee with here favorite wing.


The 63″ Formula One Racer at Soar Utah 2012

Thomas Rauber Photo

Joe Chovan’s #45 F1 Racer on Point of the Mountain

Thomas Rauber Photo

Joe’s F1 flying with a P51 Reno Racer


Some SlopeSlayer.com T-Shirt Art


11 thoughts on “Welcome to Slope Slayer!

  1. want to attend N.Coast Glider Games 2017 as an observer to learn abt sloap soaring. can not find a location. is this a secret known only to a certain few? HELP

    • All the locations are on the welcome page as well as in the North Coast Glider Games page. Just click the “Slope Locations” link. Hope to see you there!

  2. Just met several of the fine people from Slope Slayer/ GEMS (Don, Mike, Mike again and Jeff). If I forgot someone or messed up with the names please forgive.
    Thanks for all the help and support. Hope to “sail” with y’all again.

  3. NCGG 2022 is in the bag .
    I am back home and resting up from my 3 days of “way too much” fun and slope fellowship !
    Thanks again to Don,Marv,Jeff,Art,Jim,Mike and Ken for sharing your flying sites and companionship ,You all are such great hosts !
    Flying The Games is like spending time with family {The ones that know you are crazy but love you anyways }
    Looking forward to getting back out again soon

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